Bank Annuity, Investment and Insurance Data

2011 year-end data is now available. To order click here (Or call us at 1-800-373-7723)

The Bank Insurance Market Research Group provides benchmarking and productivity data to the financial services industry. We specialize in banks that are marketing brokerage and insurance products to their retail and commercial customers.

Our database products offer a comprehensive look at bank brokerage, insurance, and trust activities on a quarterly basis. They encompass more than 3,900 operating banks and thrifts and 760 bank holding companies. We have been tracking banks in this area since 1994.

Key fields for Commercial Banks and FDIC-reporting Savings Banks (more than 3,900)

For Bank Holding Companies (approx. 750 institutions)

Additional fields: Address; City; State; Zip; Domestic deposits; Bank Assets; Noninterest income (i.e., total fee income); Federal Reserve ID (unique ID); Mutual Fund and Annuity Assets Under Management; total Bank Revenues; fee income/bank revenues; total Net Income of the BHC.

To Order, e-mail this form below to or fax it to 914-381-6947 or Call 800-373-7723.

Yes, I would like to order to Singer's 2011 Bank Investment and Insurance Data. The price of this data is $480 (reduced from $1,200) Payment is available by Visa or Mastercard.





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Mastercard or Visa #: _______________________ Card exp: _______

Signature: _______________________________________________

If mailing order, make check payable to: Ethikos

Mail to: Bank Insurance Market Research Group, c/o Ethikos, P.O. Box 31, Mamaroneck, NY 10543.

For more information, call the Bank Insurance Market Research Group toll-free at (800) 373-7723.

Complete library:

18 Years of Bank Annuity and Fund Sales Data on CD ROM: 1994 - 2011. Contains all banks with any annuity or mutual fund sales from 1994-2010 (about 3,000 institutions listed each year). Data on Excel spreadsheet. $4,950 (Call 800-373-7723).